Friday, August 12, 2011


IMMIGRATION CAN BE A PROBLEM. Australia seems to be in the grip of schizophrenia policy at this time. On one side are desperate for immigrants to come to work in Australia to help cover the shortfall of existing powers, and on the other, are constantly tinkering and tweaking immigration rules to make it more difficult for people to realize change. So what's going on? Search my 'immigration and that "the report said.

Australia's immigration issues seem complex. You want people to come to help or not? Do you have a skills shortage is not it? Why Australia is closing the borders of a sector, but to encourage greater openness to the other? Confusing as it seems at the moment, there is a reason for this dilemma.

Immigration has had a major impact on life in Australia for many centuries. The European round began with the dumping of British convicts in 1788, when up to 160,000 convicts were sent to the Australian colonies.

After that, the growth of the wool industry and the gold rush created a huge demand for overseas workers who were satisfied mostly by Chinese immigrants, British and Irish eager to escape poverty and unemployment back home. (Nothing new then!). Nationals of other countries soon followed.

Australia's migration program today attracts more than 185 applicants from different countries. Migrant workers swell the coffers and create more business for the country in general as a fiscal contribution greater than the additional cost of services.

So far so good. Everyone should be very happy.

But there is a downside.

Australia is also attracting large numbers of refugees desperate to escape an economic crisis and fear of persecution. Upon reaching the back door through the smugglers boat and trafficking, lives have been lost and drained the Australian economy as few refugees are repatriated and therefore require support.

Understandably, politicians and interested citizens and policy makers are trying to convey in the "Life of Australia" dream in an attempt to maintain control of its borders.

While immigration policy is still developed ideal, what can you do to help you find your way through the maze of immigration for your dream job in Australia?

1) Check out the list of Australian specialty occupation government. This list contains all current "demand" occupations plus the number of points obtained. If you can see your profession or occupation mentioned, it is well placed to find a new job. If your work is not in the list, the Australians are sufficient to meet the need and are not necessary!

2) If you are aged 18-45 years and eager to migrate at some point in the future, think about re-training. Some reports say that work would continue to be available to overseas workers for the next decade, and some think the process will be stricter and more difficult as time passes.

3) Nomination System Research the employer. This route goes through a lot of immigration issues as they can be placed in a position of employment offered prior to arrival. 

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